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id | full name | company name | location | email id | phone | lead source | lead source details | address | zip code | product pitched | status | status reason |
003 | Bharat Kumar | ISO Finance | Jothpur | | 9820302890 | Person | Rajubhai | d block jodhpur | 421001 | CIC | Interested | confimred lead |
0002 | gergia | mat fin | hiranmagri | | 6767676756 | Google | direct enquiry | formaer one clove | 412001 | CERSAI | Not Interested | haha |
001 | manoj shah | druv finance | chowki dhani | | 7676565623 | Social Media | instagram | sector 3 and half kala chowki road | 31001 | ARC | Interested | good reference |
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